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Business Boot Camp - Napkin to Action

WINLF, in partnership with WIHEDIC and IBC and funded by WEDC, EFund, and Score, is putting on a weeklong Business Boot Camp designed for those who want to make their dreams of owning a business a reality. Those who complete the week-long program will be eligible for a small business grant from WINLF and the Wisconsin Department of Administration.

The boot camp will cover everything you need to know to develop a comprehensive business plan. You can rest assured that the trainers and SCORE will be there to support you and help you develop your plan as the week progresses, providing you with the reassurance and support you need.

The training will take place from October 14th to 18th in Milwaukee, WI, and coincide with Indigenous Business Con. Participants will attend parts of the Indigenous Business Con event.

Both events will be taking place at the Potawatomi Hotel & Casino in Milwaukee, WI.

Limited Travel Scholarships are available to cover the cost of the conference hotel stay. They are funded by WINLF and EFund. To apply, follow the link below.

Limited Travel Scholarships

The full schedule and list of trainers are below.


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